Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mikey's Pick--Autolux

How I found out about this band is purely by chance.  When I was in College the campus radio station was giving away all their CD's due to the fact they were going completely digital.  So of course I filled up trash bag upon trash bag of everything I could get my hands on.  I then locked myself into a dorm room for about two weeks and listened to each one.  One of many bands that I discovered was Autolux.  To keep it short they kick ass.  They are as someone put "billions times cooler than anything in the new music galaxy" They only have two albums, their debut album being the better.(Future Perfect)  I love their sound but I will let you be the judge check them out. 
Here is a video from the album "Future Perfect" the song called "Turnstile Blues" and a play list of their second album "Transit Transit"

Transit Transit by Autolux

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